Your Health is Priceless – But How Much Will It Cost You?

2021-10-11T02:49:18-05:00October 11th, 2021|Healthcare & Medicare|

One of your largest retirement expenses could be your healthcare costs. An average 65-year-old couple retiring today will need an estimated $300,000 to cover their healthcare costs, according to a recent study.[1] Although good health is priceless, [...]

Major Changes That Could Happen During Your Retirement

2021-10-04T11:55:40-05:00October 4th, 2021|Economy, Retirement Planning, Taxes & Tax Planning|

Do you ever feel like you live in a completely different world than you did 20 years ago? It’s worth thinking about how different it will be in another 20 years. Beyond cultural and personal changes, we [...]

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